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25 Stories

Commemorating 25 Stories of


A message from our CEO

At New Profit, we often say that we are students of history and futurists. We value the lessons of the past and look toward the future with determination. We also ask ourselves a simple but expansive question that is shrouded in hope: What’s possible?

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Tulaine CEO img

Tulaine Montgomery, CEO, New Profit

25 Years, 3 Core Themes

  • New Ideas
    New Ideas

    New Profit was born from a powerful idea that led to many more. Explore them.

  • New Collaborations
    New Collaborations

    Collaboration is critical for building a nation where everyone can thrive. Experience how we are advancing this work together.

  • New Approaches
    New Approaches

    Those closest to the work can help drive change. See how their wisdom has helped us evolve.