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The Faithful Servant
"Be a servant-leader. Own the work. build genuine relationships. Make the people around you powerful."

What happens when we take a learning stance? That question framed New Profit Managing Partner Shawn Dove’s conversation with Anderson Sainci, who was part of the co-design process for New Profit’s annual gathering, The Well. A key takeaway from Anderson was that a learning stance is a stance of humility. A great social entrepreneur makes room for the knowledge and gifts others bring to the table and acts as their “servant-leader,” in Anderson’s memorable phrase. And he speaks passionately about the power of interfaith engagement to guide the servant-leader’s way forward. 

Anderson currently serves as the Director of the Office of Shared Prosperity and Neighborhood Support for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Shawn and Anderson previously worked together on President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative.


Shawn: Being a social entrepreneur in city government, and through your engagement with young people, what are you sensing?

Anderson: I believe each and every one of us possess unique gifts and a talent given to us by our Creator to make the world a better place. However, the challenge I see is the lack of opportunities for people to help co-create the world they envision for themselves and others they care for.

Shawn: Speak about incorporating the faith community in social impact and social change.

Anderson: We have an organization here called the Dubuque Dream Center, a faith-based organization that works with underprivileged youth through an amazing structure called In Your Life Mentoring, where they mentor and support not only students, but also their families and the school district to make sure each kid has an individualized plan to help them succeed, to be college and career ready. And so we know there are huge opportunities to leverage churches to help build community. I think the work New Profit is striving to do to engage churches is critical.

Shawn: What advice, leadership, and insights would you offer as we go about this mission of creating opportunity for all?

Anderson: Be a servant-leader—meaning, you have to own the work. Serve people, build genuine relationships, and make people around you powerful. That’s my mission.

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